Polycode of English texts of medical education: Pragmatic and linguocultural aspects


Torubarova Irina Ivanovna1ORCID,Stebletsova Anna Olegovna1ORCID


1. Burdenko Voronezh State Medical University


The aim of the study is to identify the pragmatic and linguocultural features of polycode English texts of medical education. The article discusses the features of polycode medical education texts posted at the World Health Organization website in the section “Multimedia”. The scientific novelty of the study is determined by the fact that, for the first time, polycode texts of medical education are considered as an effective tool for pragmalinguistic impact in the context of communication aimed at a wide target audience with various receptive-cognitive skills. The results obtained demonstrate that polycode texts of medical education presented in the video section are common and possess the widest range of semiotic codes. These texts can be divided into several groups based on the following criteria: mode of presenting information – cinematic and animated polycode texts, and the topic criterion – texts about vaccination, about the fight against malaria, about science in the “WHO’s Science in 5” section, etc. The pragmatic function is supported by the auditory and visual channels and manifested by verbal and non-verbal sign systems. The information is aimed at various population groups and belongs to mass communication.


Gramota Publishing

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