Elimination of soft tissue deficiency of the alveolar ridge in the experiment


Magomedova Kh. M.1ORCID,Sletova V. A.2ORCID,Gabbasova I. V.2ORCID,Uzdenov E. M.3ORCID,Gandylyan K. S.2ORCID,Sirak S. V.2ORCID,Sletov A. A.2ORCID


1. Dagestan State Medical University

2. Stavropol State Medical University

3. North Caucasus State Academy


To date, dental implantation is the most common routine way to restore the continuity of dentition. Additional bone augmentation surgery is required in 50-80% of patients. In order to improve the results and reduce the risks of osseointegration, denudation and rejection of bone autografts, various ways of correcting the deficiency of soft tissues of the alveolar ridge are proposed, which include the use of free soft-woven autografts, the low efficiency of which is due to a high shrinkage coefficient.The purpose of the study: to test an experimental model of a vascularized muco-periosteal flap to eliminate the volume deficit of the soft tissues of the alveolar ridge.Material and methods. On the basis of the vivarium of the Stavropol State Agrarian University (StSAU), 15 biological mannequins (heads of female dwarf pigs) were subjected to a pilot experimental study. The study was conducted in accordance with the decision of the local Ethics Committee of the StSAU, as well as the provision of the World Convention on the Protection of Animals and the Procedure for the Treatment of Experimental Animals adopted by the Helsinki Council in 2002.Results. In the course of the study, the technical stages of the tested intervention were clarified, the metric parameters of the elimination of defects of the alveolar ridge were determined.Conclusion. The results obtained will make it possible to eliminate extended soft tissue defects of the alveolar ridge by increasing the possibility of tissue sampling in the donor bed in a volume not less than 3 times greater than the intake of free palatine flaps.


Research Institute of Microsurgery


General Medicine

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