On the issue of exoskeletal rehabilitation of shoulder periarthritis after a gunshot wound of the scapular area


Vorobyev A. A.1ORCID,Barinov A. S.2ORCID,Barinova E. A.2ORCID,Andryushchenko F. A.3


1. Volgograd State Medical University; Federal Center for Support of the Development and Production of Exoprostheses; Volgograd Scientific Medical Center of the Administration of Volgograd Region

2. Volgograd State Medical University

3. Volgograd Scientific Medical Center of the Administration of Volgograd Region


The study aimed to investigate the effectiveness and applicability of exoskeletons in the rehabilitation of  patients with scapula and shoulder joint injuries.Purpose of a study: to demonstrate the possibilities of rehabilitating patients with gunshot injuries to the upper extremities, specifically focusing on the passive upper limb exoskeleton “EKZAR34”.Material and methods. The study conducted an analysis of the patient's range of motion in the shoulder joint after using the exoskeleton. Clinical data and observations of a patient with mine-explosive scapula injury were used as research material.Results. The use of the exoskeleton compensates for the lost muscle functions and increases the range of motion in the shoulder joint. This enables patients to perform actions that would otherwise require significant effort without the exoskeleton. Additionally, rehabilitation with the exoskeleton strengthens both damaged and undama- ged muscles, leading to a balanced functioning of the shoulder and upper limb muscle system.Conclusion. Employing of exoskeletons in the rehabilitation of scapula and shoulder joint injuries is an effective and promising approach. Exoskeletons expedite muscle strengthening, restore motor activity and range of motion, and enhance treatment outcomes and patients' quality of life.


Research Institute of Microsurgery


General Medicine

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