Zhejiang University Press
Reference32 articles.
1. Agarwal A, Kumar A, Malik J, et al., 2022. Legged locomotion in challenging terrains using egocentric vision. Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Robot Learning, p.403–415.
2. Clavet S, 2016. Motion matching and the road to next-gen animation. Game Developers Conference.
3. Dao J, Duan HL, Green K, et al., 2021. Pushing the limits: running at 3.2 m/s on cassie. Dynamic Walking Meeting.
4. Escontrela A, Peng XB, Yu WH, et al., 2022. Adversarial motion priors make good substitutes for complex reward functions. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, p.25–32.
5. Fuchioka Y, Xie ZM, van de Panne M, 2023. Opt-mimic: imitation of optimized trajectories for dynamic quadruped behaviors. International Conference on Robotics and Automation.