Structure and Statistical Analysis of the Microphysical Properties of Generating Cells in the Comma Head Region of Continental Winter Cyclones


Plummer David M.1,McFarquhar Greg M.1,Rauber Robert M.1,Jewett Brian F.1,Leon David C.2


1. Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, Urbana, Illinois

2. Department of Atmospheric Science, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming


Abstract This paper presents analyses of the microphysical structure of cloud-top convective generating cells at temperatures between −10° and −55°C across the comma head of 11 continental cyclones, using data collected by the W-band Wyoming Cloud Radar and in situ instrumentation aboard the National Science Foundation (NSF)/NCAR C-130. A case study of one cyclone is presented, followed by statistical analyses of the entire dataset. Ice particle number concentrations averaged 1.9 times larger inside generating cells compared to outside, and derived ice water contents and median mass diameters averaged 2.2 and 1.1 times larger in cells, respectively. Supercooled water was directly measured at temperatures between −31.4° and −11.1°C, with the median and 95th-percentile liquid water content increasing from ~0.09 to 0.12 g m−3 and 0.14 to 0.28 g m−3 over this temperature range, respectively. Liquid water was present in 26% of observations within cells and 18% of observations between cells over the same temperature range, and it was nearly ubiquitous at temperatures above −16°C. The larger ice particle concentrations in cells are consistent with greater ice production in convective updrafts. The increased mass and diameter of the ice particles demonstrate that generating cells provide environments favorable for enhanced particle growth. The impact of water saturation and supercooled water in the cells was evident, with rapid particle growth by diffusion and sometimes riming apparent, in addition to aggregation. Turbulent mixing lessened the observed differences between cells and surrounding regions, with supercooled water observed within and between cells, similar habits within and between cells, and rimed particles evident even in ice-phase conditions.


American Meteorological Society


Atmospheric Science

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