1. CSIRO Wealth from Oceans National Research Flagship, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
In a numerical model of the equatorial Pacific Ocean, the ∼20-day period tropical instability waves, excited in the eastern half of the domain, are found to damp the strong zonal mean currents. The waves generate large, nonlinear, advection terms in the momentum balance, change the vorticity balance, and thus modulate the low-frequency state. The authors explore whether the effect of tropical instability waves on the background flow can instead be adequately parameterized by a constant-coefficient Laplacian friction scheme. On annual mean, a Laplacian friction coefficient that varies in space is required, for the coefficient is twice as large along the equator and a few degrees more to the north than elsewhere. In addition, wave activity varies in time. During active phases, such as the second half of the year and during La Niñas, the activity increases, which would require the Laplacian coefficient of friction to be at least twice as strong as during the inactive phases. Thus, a more sophisticated damping parameterization than simple Laplacian friction is required in ocean models that do not explicitly resolve tropical instability waves.
American Meteorological Society
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9 articles.