The Atmospheric Moisture Residence Time and Reference Time for Moisture Tracking over China


Wang Ning1,Zeng Xin-Min2,Zheng Yiqun3,Zhu Jian3,Jiang Shanhu3


1. College of Hydrology and Water Resources, Hohai University, and College of Meteorology and Oceanography, National University of Defense Technology, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China

2. College of Hydrology and Water Resources, Hohai University, and Key Laboratory for Mesoscale Severe Weather of Ministry of Education, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China

3. College of Hydrology and Water Resources, Hohai University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China


Abstract This paper studies the atmospheric moisture residence times over China for the period 1980–2009 using the dynamic recycling model (DRM). We define both the residence times for atmospheric moisture of precipitation (backward tracking) and evaporation (forward tracking) and show that each has significant spatial and seasonal variations. The area-averaged precipitation-moisture residence time is approximately 8.3 days, while the evaporation residence time is approximately 6.3 days. In addition, we investigate the concept of “tracking time” or time selected for moisture tracking in numerical source–sink studies. The area-averaged backward and forward tracking times at the 90% threshold (i.e., when 90% of initial moisture is attributed for tracking) are approximately 22 and 15 days, respectively. Finally, we theoretically deduced the explicit expressions for residence and tracking times for idealized cases and found the analytical proportional relationship between these times. In this way, the analytical link between residence time and e-folding time was reestablished. This proportional relationship was further verified against the DRM-derived values. In the DRM results, the proportional relation generally fluctuates along the trajectory, which leads to the differences between the theoretical and the DRM-derived values. These results can enhance our understanding of water cycling, and they are likely to help choose tracking times in relevant studies.


National Natural Science Foundation of China


American Meteorological Society


Atmospheric Science

Reference60 articles.







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