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2. Audience of the Future 2021 Royal Shakespeare Company Opens Dream, 25 February 2021. Available at https://audienceofthefuture.live/2021/02/royal-shakespeare-company-opens-dream/ [Last accessed 20 October 2021]
3. Billington, Michael 2016 The Tempest Review - Beale’s Superb Prospero Haunts Hi-tech Spectacle. The Guardian, 18 November 2016, [last accessed 12 September 2021, https://www.theguardian.com/stage/2016/nov/18/the-tempest-review-simon-russell-beale-rsc]
4. In-Game
5. Crompton, Sarah 2021 Review: Dream (RSC, Online). What’s On Stage, 17 March 2021, [Last accessed 10 September 2021, https://www.whatsonstage.com/stratford-upon-avon-theatre/reviews/dream-rsc_53590.html]