L1 influence on the L2 acquisition of English word-final nasal place contrasts: An electropalatographic study of L1 Japanese and Spanish learners


Colantoni Laura1,Kochetov Alexei1,Steele Jeffrey2


1. University of Toronto

2. University of Toronto Mississauga


Languages differ in the extent to which phonologicalcontrasts observed in onsets are neutralized syllable finally. We examined theacquisition of English syllable-final /m n ŋ/ by L2 learners whose L1 nasalcodas lack independent place (Japanese) or neutralize to a single place(Spanish). Three learning outcomes were hypothesized, based on whetherlearners’ production is shaped mainly by coda complexity, perception of thecontrast or L1 dialectal realizations. Data from three reading tasks collectedfrom six learners (three of each L1) and two English-speaking controls wereexamined using electropalatography (EPG). Linguopalatal contact patterns wereanalyzed quantitatively and qualitatively (presence, absence, and degree ofalveolar and velar closures). While difficulty in realizing place contrasts wasobserved with all L2 speakers, contrary to our hypothesis, the L1 Spanishspeakers were less accurate than their Japanese-speaking peers, particularly inthe production of word-final prevocalic /ŋ/ for which a high rate ofneutralization to /n/ was witnessed. However, the Japanese learners’ greaterapparent accuracy was due to the presence of non-target final devoicedepenthetic vowels and/or stop-like releases. Overall, the results provideinsights into developmental stages in the acquisition of new positionalcontrasts, including evidence for first language and even idiolectal influence,and highlight the difficulty of blocking L1 neutralization processes.


Open Library of the Humanities


Computer Science Applications,Linguistics and Language,Language and Linguistics

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