1. [1] Bradley, F. H. [1883]. The Principles of Logic, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (2nd ed., 1922; corrected in 1928.)
2. [2] Bradley, F. H. [1893]. Appearance and Reality, New York: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., Lim. (2nd ed., 1897; corrected and reprinted in 1916,London: George Allen and Unwin.)
3. [3] Bradley, F. H. [1999]. Selected Correspondence: January 1905-June 1924, Carol A. Keene (ed.), Bristol: Thoemmes Press.
4. [4] Blackwell, K. [1984]. ‘Part I of The Principles of Mathematics’, Russell, n.s. 4, 271-288.
5. [5] Candlish, S. [2007]. The Russell/Bradley Dispute and its Significance for Twentieth-Century Philosophy, Hampshire: Palgrave McMillan.