1. Departments of Physiology and Cell Biology (D.Y., X.W., P.J.M., I.D., J.-D.F.), The Dorothy M. Davis Heart and Lung Research Institute, Frick Center for Heart Failure and Arrhythmia, The Ohio State University, Columbus.
2. Department of Medicine, Heart and Vascular Research Center, The MetroHealth System, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH (A.T.D., E.B., K.R.L., J.-D.F.).
3. Institute of Mineralogy, Materials Physics and Cosmochemistry, UMR 7590, Sorbonne Université, CNRS, MNHN, Paris, France (M.G.S.C., C.F., C.V.-B.).
4. Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Scientific Computing Program, Vice Presidency of Education, Information and Communication, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (M.G.S.C.).
5. Biomedical Engineering and Internal Medicine (X.X., D.H.G., T.J.H.), The Dorothy M. Davis Heart and Lung Research Institute, Frick Center for Heart Failure and Arrhythmia, The Ohio State University, Columbus.