1. Department of Pharmacology, Pharmacovigilance Unit (J.-E.S., P.G., B.L.-V., C.F.-B.)
2. Department of Cardiology, CIC 1421, Cardiogenetic Unit, Arrhythmology Unit (J.-E.S., X.W., E.G., C.M., V.F., F.H.-L.)
3. Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (J.-E.S., P.G., B.L.-V., C.F.-B.)
4. UMR Institute of Cardiometabolism and Nutrition (J.-E.S., X.W., E.G., C.M., V.F., F.H.-L.), Paris, France
5. Sorbonne Université, Faculty of Medicine, Paris, France (J.-E.S., P.G., B.L.-V., C.F.-B., A.B., P.T., E.G.)
6. Department of Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine (C.C., P.T., A.B.), AP-HP, Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, Paris, France
7. Centre de Référence des Maladies Endocriniennes Rares de la Croissance et Centre des Pathologies Gynécologiques Rares (C.C., P.T., A.B.)
8. Departments of Medicine, Pharmacology, and Biomedical Informatics (J.-E.S., C.M.S., A.M.G., D.M.R.)
9. Departments of Medicine, Cardiology, and Cardio-Oncology Program, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN (J.-E.S., J.J.M.)
10. AMPS LLC, New York, NY (F.B.)
11. Department of Internal Medicine (J.H.)
12. Sorbonne Université, Faculty of Medicine, Paris, France (J.H.).