1. Laboratory Medicine and Pathology (L.R.J.B., D.B., C.D.O., J.G., A.M., J.D.), University of Washington, Seattle.
2. Molecular and Cellular Biology (L.R.J.B.), University of Washington, Seattle.
3. Medical Scientist Training Program (L.R.J.B.), University of Washington, Seattle.
4. Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine (L.R.J.B., D.B., I.M.R., C.D.O., A.N., J.G., A.M., M.R.), University of Washington, Seattle.
5. Bioengineering (I.M.R., A.N., M.R., J.D.), University of Washington, Seattle.
6. Genome Sciences (R.J., M.J.M.), University of Washington, Seattle.
7. Cardiovascular Institute, Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (T.S., D.P.K.).
8. Center for Translational Muscle Research (M.R., J.D.), University of Washington, Seattle.