1. From the UCLA Stroke Center (C.S.K., J.L.S., J.P.V., G.D., K.G., M.C.L., S.S., Y.P.G., R.J., P.V., J.R.A., F.V.) and Departments of Neurology (C.S.K., J.L.S., A.F., K.G., M.C.L., S.S., P.V.), Radiological Sciences (J.P.V., G.D., Y.P.G., R.J., J.R.A., F.V.), Emergency Medicine (S.S.), and Neurological Surgery (P.V.), UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, Calif, and Comprehensive Stroke Center and Department of Neurology (D.S.L.), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.