Considering the importance of interpreting as an effective communication tool, the critical role of systematic error-treatment practices, which might ultimately enable the construction of more accurate renditions, is undeniable. However, the number of studies addressing the feedback mechanism, especially in the interpreter training domain, is quite low in the relevant literature. In this vein, the current research, based on a mixed-method research design, aims to portray the perceptions regarding the multidimensional characteristics of the error feedback process from the lens of interpreter candidates. The quantitative data were gathered with the participation of a total of 102 undergraduate-level students majoring in the Translation and Interpreting Department. In the data analysis procedure, firstly the Principal Components Analysis was conducted and 7 sub-dimensions based on the corrective error feedback were extracted. The qualitative data were collected with the participation of 10 students in the semi-structured interviews. The findings gathered with these two methods revealed that the participants had a favourable opinion of obtaining feedback regarding their performances. Notably, while most of the participants reported the highest endorsement on the explicit type of feedback and receiving corrective feedback oriented to all error types, they indicated the least agreement on peer and delayed feedback types. The resulting information may further broaden teachers’ insights into designing a learning environment congruent with students’ perspectives, eventually leading to more efficient learning outcomes.
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