Land use and landscape changes in Czechia during the period of transition 1990–2007


Bičík Ivan,Jeleček Leoš


The article analyzes land use changes and their influence on landscape development in Czechia during the complex period of transition after 1990 to a democratic system with a capitalist economy. To analyze the database of cadastral data on land use of about 13,000 comparable basic territorial units (CTU) and their regional differentiation the typology method (the establishment of types of changes in CTUs and their portion of all CTUs) was used above all. At the same time tables follow the periods which formed over the long-term the preceding land use situation in Czechia at the start of the transition (1845–1948 and 1948–1990). Ascertained changes and trends in land use changes are then interpreted on the basis of searching out and explaining the main political, economic and social factors (or societal driving forces) that caused them. Their interaction with natural conditions is taken into account as well.


Ministerstvo Školství, Mládeže a Tělovýchovy

Grantová Agentura České Republiky

Akademie Věd České Republiky


Czech Geographical Society


Earth-Surface Processes,Geography, Planning and Development

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5. Czech Agriculture after 1990







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