Length of life, health and attitudes in the European Union


Rychtaříková Jitka


The contribution addresses three fields of investigation: mortality, health, and attitudes in the countries of EU28, Norway and Iceland. The data of EUROSTAT and EUROBAROMETER 378 were analyzed. In 2011, life expectancy at the age of 65 was shorter in post-Communist countries and there was also a smaller share of years lived in self-perceived good health. Two-level regression modelling has shown that the higher the age, the lower the satisfaction with health and with life. Higher-educated people and those living in a partnership are generally happier than the rest. Compared with other age and gender groups, young people and men perceive someone as old much sooner. Pessimistic attitudes are, to a smaller extent, intensified by living in former Communist countries.


Grantová Agentura České Republiky


Czech Geographical Society


Earth-Surface Processes,Geography, Planning and Development

Reference34 articles.

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