1. Gas Dynamics and Turbulence Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210
The flow and acoustic fields of an ideally expanded Mach 1.3 axisymmetric jet with delta tabs were examined to explore the effects of the tabs on noise sources. This work continues research that was performed on a baseline (no-tab) jet. Noise measurements were made at an angle of 30° to the downstream jet axis to allow a direct comparison to previous work, and to relate the sound generation mechanisms to the large structures that were visualized with temporally resolved flow visualization. Additional acoustic measurements were made at 60° and 90° locations. Three cases were examined: a baseline jet, a single delta tab jet, and a dual delta tab jet. Both tab jets were operated at the same pressure ratio as the baseline jet, which was ideally expanded. Power spectra and average acoustic waveform measurements were made for a variety of azimuthal locations; apparent noise origins were estimated with a 3-D microphone array; and temporally resolved flow visualization was used to examine the dynamic flow structure of the jet's mixing-layer. The results confirm that the tabs generate strong streamwise vortices that have a significant effect on both the flow and acoustic fields of the jet. The tabs cause significant deformation in the cross-stream plane of the mixing-layer, as well as regulating the formation and roll-up of vortices due to Kelvin Helmholtz instability. With the addition of tabs, the noise field becomes azimuthally dependent and the region of noise generation moves dramatically upstream. It appears that the tabs are directly responsible for an increase in noise over a range of Strouhal numbers between 0.8 and 2.5 through generated streamwise vortices and they are indirectly responsible for the modification of the noise generating mechanisms at Strouhal numbers below 0.6 through the induced spanwise vortex roll-ups.
Acoustics and Ultrasonics,Aerospace Engineering
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25 articles.