
Kipko Oleksandr1,Hnatiuk Vitalii1


1. State Higher Educational Institution “Donetsk National Technical University”


Purpose. The purpose of the article is t o study the deformation characteristics of the backfill materials made of crushed rock of different granulometric composition under compression conditions to assess the stability of the side rocks in a coal massif with preparatory workings when selecting the parameters of protective structures. Methods. Compression tests were carried out in the laboratory to model the behaviour of crushed rock fill materials under load. Cylindrical specimens were subjected to axial static compression without the possibility of lateral expansion. The results. It has been experimentally established that the maximum value of the compaction coefficient of the crushed rock kс=1.57 is achieved under conditions of compression, when the relative change in the volume of the source material is 35-36% and the relative void is 5-6%. Under such conditions, the ultimate compressibility of the deformable body is achieved at its relative deformation λ = 0.36 and the presence of particles of different sizes (diameters) in the total volume of the rock layer (before compression). At the minimum value of the compaction coefficient kс=1.14, which corresponds to the small fraction of the crushed rock, the relative change of the void is 1.5%. For a large fraction of crushed rock at kс=1.43, the relative change in voids is 6.2%. This situation is associated with the destruction of rock particles and the reduction of voids between them. Compliance with certain requirements for backfill materials made of crushed rock, taking into account its particle size distribution, increases the efficiency of using the backfill of the excavated space. It is advisable to evaluate the bearing capacity of backfill materials by the value of the compaction coefficient of crushed rock. Scientific novelty. A functional relationship between the change in the specific potential strain energy and the relative deformation of the rock layer has been established, which allows us to estimate the degree of compaction of crushed rock under compression. Practical significance. To ensure maximum compaction of the crushed rock when using partial or complete backfilling of the worked-out space used for the protection of mine workings, it is advisable to use a heterogeneous (in terms of particle size) source material. Keywords: crushed rock, backfill material, stiffness, particle size distribution, compaction, deformation, compression.


Donetsk National Technical University

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