Governance and public policies against rural depopulation through the case of La Rioja (Spain)


Andrés Sergio,


Rural depopulation has become one of the central issues on the public agenda in the last decade in Spain. However, despite this visibility and the measures that are being developed, the process is still present. Within the policies against depopulation and rural development, the role of participation and empowerment of the affected populations has become particularly important. The objective is based on the fact that, through a more horizontal governance, they are the protagonists of the actions and measures that affect them, and that this governance becomes a means to avoid the depopulation of rural areas. The European Union's LEADER approach and the Local Action Groups have become the paradigm of this rural governance that favours their development and tackles depopulation. This article analyses the situation of rural governance in the case of a Spanish region such as La Rioja, which is affected by the depopulation of a large part of its rural areas. It starts with a theoretical framework that addresses the concept itself and how it is being articulated with issues such as social capital, territorial capital and participation, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the scenarios that are being generated, based on the differences between territories. Next, the frameworks of depopulation in Spain are presented, which are marking the very public policies on the issue. Finally, the situation in La Rioja is addressed, focusing on the role of the regional government's plans and strategies to tackle depopulation and the role of the Local Action Groups.


International Social Sciences and Social Work Association (AICTS)


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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