Use of tricyclic antidepressant Amitriptyline in treatment of a cat with interspecies aggression against humans: clinical report


Брагин Аркадий1,Bragin Arkadiy2


1. Ветеринарная клинка «Друг»

2. Veterinary Clinic «Friend»


The treatment effect of Amitriptyline on the cat with aggression against humans was shown. Before the treatment the cat attacked on the members of family, bit them, demonstratively threatened, hissed. During the first weeks the cat obtained the preparation with the fodder twice a day at the dose 0.5 mg/kg with the interval 12 h. During the therapy the following was noted: 1) the effect of the overdose, when one-time dose was 2 mg/kg. The mydriasis, dyspnoea, decrease of the aggressive behavior intensity were noted. The sedative effect of amitriptyline was clearly shown; 2) the effect of the sharp cancellation of the drug. The recurrence of aggression was observed. The cat attacked on the member of family and bit him; 3) the effect of smooth cancellation of drug. The weak sedative influence of drug on the cat behavior was noted. This clinical case showed that Amitriptyline can be used in the treatment of cats with hyper-aggression against humans.


Publishing House Logos Press

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