The possibilities of using a combined surgical technique of traction and stabilization of the cervical spine in dogs with cervical spondylomyelopathy


Barsegyan Lusine1,Yagnikov Sergey12,Sidorenko Pavel1,Vilkovyskiy Il'ya34,Truhachev Andrey52,Eysfel'd Viktor12


1. Center for Veterinary Surgery «VetProfAlliance»

2. Agrarian Technological Institute of People's Friendship University of Russian

3. Agrarian and Technological Institute of Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

4. Network of veterinary clinics «MedVet»

5. Centr veterinarnoy hirurgii «VetProfAl'yans»


In the article the results of treatment of Wobbler syndrome in 19 dogs are presented. The surgical technique of discofenestration, traction of the vertebral bodies and stabilization with using of interbody cage, transvertebral screw and two reconstructive LP-platies were used. Most of dog’s owners considered results of surgical treatment as excellent and good.


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