Study of the parameters of absorption into the bloodstream and excretion of the drug Gamavit after a single administration to laboratory mini-pigs


Narovlyanskiy Aleksandr1,Sanin Aleksandr1,Smirnov Valeriy2,Savchenko Alla3,Ramenskaya Galina4,Sanina Valentina1,Kozhevnikova Tat'yana5,Kozlov Vasiliy1,Zubashev Igor'1,Gerasimova Ekaterina1,Pronin Aleksandr1


1. The Gamaleya Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology

2. Institute of Immunology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency (FMBA) of Russia

3. Scientific Center of Biomedical Technology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency

4. Pharmacy Institute of I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia

5. Gamaleya Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiolo


A pharmacokinetic study of the absorption into the bloodstream, bioavailability and excretion of Gamavit from the body after intramuscular administration to laboratory mini-pigs was conducted. Quantitative determination was carried out by HPLC using a fluorimetric detector, for which Gamavit was labeled with Cy5 dye, which was then used for mini-pigs inoculation. The developed methods for determining Gamavit in the blood and feces were validated according to the following validation parameters: selectivity, calibration curve, accuracy, precision, limit of quantitative determination, sample transfer, and sample stability. The confirmed analytical range of the method for Gamavit detection in blood plasma and feces was 1.00…50.0 mcg/ml. Maximum concentration of Gamavit in the blood of mini-pigs after a single intramuscular injection was 30.97 mcg/ml and was reached on average 15 minutes after administration. 24 hours following administration, Gamavit was still detected in the blood in insignificant amounts. The average half-life of Gamavit in the blood is 8.64±3.50 hours. After administration at a dose of 0.1 ml/kg, the clearance of the drug is 1.27 l/kg * h, the excretion rate at an effective concentration of 30 mg/l is 38 mg/kg*h, and the maintenance dose when using the drug 1 time a day is 0.9…1.0 ml. The detection of the label in the feces of the studied animals indicates that one of the ways Gamavit removal is excretion with the help of bile acids, as well as partial excretion with feces.


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