1. Ivanov, V.V., ed. Atlas” Har’kovskago namestnichestva 1787 g. s” topograficheskim” opisaniem”(1902). [Atlas of the Kharkiv Viceroyalty of 1787 with a topographic description]. Har’kov: Gubernskij statisticheskij komitet, 3, 8.
2. Gubernskaja karta Har’kovskago namestnichestva s pokazaniem lutchih” selenij. V 1 djujme 20 verst (1787). [Provincial map of the Kharkiv Viceroyalty with the indication of the best villages. 20 versts per inch].
3. Illjustrirovannyj putevoditel’ po Juzhnym” zheleznym” dorogam” (1913). [Illustrated guide to Southern Railways]. Har’kov: Tipografija «Pechatnik”», 271.
4. Illjustrirovannyj sputnik” po Kursko-Har’kovo-Sevastopol’skoj zheleznoj doroge: Opisanie dorogi i ee okrestnostej (1902). [Illustrated guide on the Kursk-Kharkov-Sevastopol railway: Description of the road and its surroundings]. Har’kov: Upravlenie Kursko-Har’kovo-Sevastopol’skoj zheleznoj dorogi, 274.
5. Karta Har’kovskoj gubernii. V 1 djujme 20 verst (1871). [Map of Kharkiv province. 20 versts per inch]. Sankt-Peterburg: Kartograficheskoe zavedenie A. Il’ina.