Environmentally balanced agroecosystems – key to sustainable development


Sonko S. P.1ORCID,Zozulia I. O.1ORCID


1. Uman National University of Horticulture, Uman, Ukraine


Considering the large-scale aggravation of the global environmental problem, despite the nearly thirty-year implementation of the Concept of Sustainable Development, developed in Rio de Janeiro (1992),it needs additional researchand justification today. The very fact of a large-scale aggravation of the global environmental problem makes one doubt the methodological correctness of the concept. Since the consumption of natural resources, and, therefore,the ecological state of the environment dependsto a large extent on the understanding of the ecological essence of energy relations in ecosystems, it is worth focusing on the scientific provisions of the domestic school of physical economy, elaborated inthe works of Serhiy Podolinskyi, VolodymyrVernadskyi,Mykola Rudenko, Viktor Pysmak . It is in accordance with these provisions that the system of criteria-indicators of sustainable development requires revision. A new vision of the theoretical foundations for the development of such indicators is proposed.The authors saturate the modern, post-industrial understanding of the meaning of sustainable development with noospheric content. Based on the concept of noospheric ecosystems developed in previous author's works, an attempt is also made to providea qualitatively new justification of the goals and directions of the planetary development ofthe entire human population. Conclusions.The authors see the future trend of implementing the concept of sustainable development only in theapproximationof nature management mechanisms to natural analogues. The applied implementation of the author's theoretical provisions in reforming the administrative-territorial system is proposed


V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

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