De Brito Denis Lopes,Da Silva Filho Eliomar,Duarte Miqueias Lima,Aguiar Renan Froz
The lack of adequate urban planning, combined with the disorderly growth of Brazilian cities, brings a series of environmental problems resulting from human action. Among these, the pollution of soils and water bodies, soil compaction, and impermeabilization stand out. These issues lead to alterations in surface runoff and natural drainage, resulting in flooding. This study assessed the degree of soil compaction in an area located within the urban perimeter of the municipality of Porto Velho, Rondônia. The assessment was carried out using a Stolf Impact Penetrometer to measure soil penetration resistance at 18 points. Subsequently, interpolation was performed using the Kriging method to generate a continuous surface. The results show that the eastern portion of the study area, where points P6, P12, and P18 are located, and a smaller portion in the southern region, where point P16 is situated, exhibit higher values of soil penetration resistance, ranging from 2.05 to 2.47 MPa. The observed values indicate high compaction of the local clayey soil and are associated with intense demographic occupation in these areas, followed by human activities and the removal of natural vegetation. This, combined with an inefficient urban drainage system, has caused disruptions to the local population.
South Florida Publishing LLC
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