The article examines various scientific perspectives on gamification and game-based technologies in Ukrainian education. The particular attention has been paid to the implementation of current game-based forms of cooperation with students during a period of changes in Ukrainian education, especially in the educational process during wartime. The research indicates that gamification and game-based technologies can positively impact the development of students’ personalities, motivation for learning, relationships within the student community, academic success, and the acquisition of necessary knowledge and skills for future development and careers. The research results highlight the benefits of integrating gamification and game-based technologies into the educational process of a higher educational institution. Examples of successful practices in implementing gamification technology in modern higher education, including the creation of new gamified didactic applications, have been provided. The article demonstrates the evidence of a qualitative transformation in the educational process through the use of game-based technologies and gamification elements when using Moodle for distance learning, particularly with the application of coaching methods and conducting physics classes.
Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University
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