Goal-Setting Model in Multilevel State Strategic Management of Socio-Economic Development


Pisareva Olga M.1ORCID


1. Department of mathematical methods in economics and management, Information Systems Institute, State University of Management, Moscow


In the context of the deployment of transient processes and the exacerbation of crisis phenomena in socio-economic systems of various types, the importance of a reasonable setting and correction of development goals increases. For the current situation in the Russian Federation, when the implemented program of constitutional amendments creates the preconditions for the subsequent reform of public authorities and the mechanism of multi-level strategic planning, it is especially important to conduct research in the field of substantiating scientific approaches to the development of mathematical methods for solving the problem of strategic goal-setting. One of the key points in the modernization of the methodological support of strategic planning in the context of the constitutional transformation of the system of public authorities is consideration of the value foundations of activities in the systems of distributed management of socio-economic development, analysis of the problems of formalizing the setting of goals by the participants in the multi-level strategic planning process and substantiation of the structure of the theoretical model of goal-setting. The article considers the general characteristics of the functioning of the system of state strategic planning in the Russian Federation from the point of view of goal achievement. The institutional and conceptual foundations of goal setting are presented. The relationship between the concepts of “goal”, “target indicator” and “target function” are shown. The interrelation of the tasks of goal-setting and programming of the activity of an economic agent is characterized. An approach to formalizing goal-setting based on a theoretical scheme of mutual development planning tasks is proposed. The general structure of the strategic goal-setting model in the organizational mechanism of multi-level long-term planning determined. A possible approach to the algorithmization of the solution of the linear formulation of the goal-setting problem in the multisubject development control space based on the methods of target programming and multicriteria optimization was proposed. The formation of an operator of iterative management of the potentials and development priorities of interacting economic and social agents on the horizon of strategizing substantiated. To introduce a theoretical model of goal-setting into the practice of strategizing in the context of the formation of a digital platform of public administration, it is necessary to develop appropriate algorithmic support, as well as the formation of a regulatory and information base and the definition of an organizational and technological basis. Further improvement of the analytical and methodological tools for supporting the activities of strategic planning participants at the goal-setting stage is associated with the description and analysis of the corresponding applied tasks of goal setting at various levels and areas of socio-economic development planning.


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