The myosin chaperone UNC-45 has an important role in maintaining the structure and function of muscle sarcomeres during adult aging


Matheny Courtney J.1,Qadota Hiroshi1,Bailey Aaron O.2,Valdebenito-Silva Silvana3,Oberhauser Andres F.3,Benian Guy M.1ORCID


1. Department of Pathology, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322

2. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX 77550

3. Department of Neurobiology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX 77550


C. elegans undergo age-dependent declines in muscle organization and function, similar to human sarcopenia. The chaperone UNC-45 is required to fold myosin heads after translation and is likely used for refolding after thermally- or chemically-induced unfolding. UNC-45′s TPR region binds HSP-90 and its UCS domain binds myosin heads. We observe early onset sarcopenia when UNC-45 is reduced at the beginning of adulthood. There is sequential decline of HSP-90, UNC-45, and MHC B myosin. A mutation in age-1 delays sarcopenia and loss of HSP-90, UNC-45, and myosin. UNC-45 undergoes age-dependent phosphorylation, and mass spectrometry reveals phosphorylation of six serines and two threonines, seven of which occur in the UCS domain. Additional expression of UNC-45 results in maintenance of MHC B myosin and suppression of A-band disorganization in old animals. Our results suggest that increased expression or activity of UNC-45 might be a strategy for prevention or treatment of sarcopenia.


American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB)







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