1. Kirov Military Medical Academy, Saint-Petersburg
2. Kirov Military Medical Academy, Academician Pavlov First Saint-Petersburg State Medical University, Saint-Petersburg
3. Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg
Military personnel are trained in conditions of intense physical activity. In the works of a number of authors, the presence of various kinds of deviations from normal physical development among students of civilian universities is noted. Persons with malnutrition, obesity of II-III degree are recognized by specialists of military medical commissions at the place of conscription of applicants for military universities as unfit for admission. The purpose of the study: to study the anthropometric parameters, body composition and physical development of male military universities applicants. The study involved 280 young men at the age of 17, permanently residing in the central area of Russia. Anthropometric data of body length, weight, torso length, limbs, torso girth dimensions were analyzed, Quetelet indices (body mass index), Pirquet (body proportionality index), Pigne (body strength index) were determined. With the help of indices and measurements of the component composition of the body, the characteristic of physical development was determined. As a result of the study, a sufficient variability of anthropometric indicators and body composition in the studied male applicants was revealed, which is due to heredity data and the influence of different living conditions before entering a military university. The values of body length, chest circumference, body surface area were greater in urban applicants, body weight prevailed in rural boys. The Quetelet index corresponded to the norm in most of the studied, however, cases of moderate obesity were found in rural applicants. The Pirque index indicated a proportional physique in most applicants. According to the Pignet index, most of the rural and urban boys had a strong physique. The data of the component composition of the body (the level of fat, muscle and bone mass) confirmed the revealed indicators of the physical development of young men. Significant differences in physical development according to anthropometry and body composition data between youth applicants from urban and rural areas were not identified. The data obtained can be used as a regulatory framework for assessing the quality of the general health of those entering military universities and developing recommendations for the selection of cadets.
Reaviz Medical University
Energy Engineering and Power Technology,Fuel Technology
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