Perspective contact imprint parameters of road roller working body with bearing surface when compacting road materials


Saveliev S. V.1ORCID,Litovchenko R. E.1ORCID,Yurchenko A. A.1ORCID


1. Siberian State Automobile and Road University (SibADI)


Introduction. The most efficient machine for compacting road building materials in the construction of transport facilities, a road roller with a promising pneumatic tire roller that can effectively use vibration, is considered.Materials and methods. The results of the studies characterizing the parameters of the imprint of the contact of the working body of the roller with the supporting surface, which significantly affect the efficiency of the technological operation of compacting road materials, are presented. During the experiment, the values of the minor and major axes of the contact imprint ellipse, its area, the value of contact pressures depending on the load on the roller and the number of metal bands installed on the roller were revealed.Result. The article provides illustrations of the experiments carried out, the data obtained in the form of analytical and graphical dependencies are presented.Discussion and conclusion. The bandages on standard tires that are mass-produced are installed. The presented promising road roller, which combines the capabilities of different sizes (by weight) of rollers, which can speed up the process of compacting materials, reduce energy, metal and labour intensity and increase the efficiency of road construction.


Siberian State Automobile and Highway University (SibADI)


General Medicine

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