Metagenomic Discovery of 83 New Human Papillomavirus Types in Patients with Immunodeficiency


Pastrana Diana V.1ORCID,Peretti Alberto1,Welch Nicole L.1,Borgogna Cinzia2,Olivero Carlotta2,Badolato Raffaele3,Notarangelo Lucia D.3,Gariglio Marisa2ORCID,FitzGerald Peter C.4,McIntosh Carl E.4,Reeves Jesse1,Starrett Gabriel J.1,Bliskovsky Valery5,Velez Daniel6,Brownell Isaac7,Yarchoan Robert8ORCID,Wyvill Kathleen M.8,Uldrick Thomas S.8,Maldarelli Frank9ORCID,Lisco Andrea10,Sereti Irini10,Gonzalez Christopher M.1112,Androphy Elliot J.13,McBride Alison A.14,Van Doorslaer Koenraad15161718,Garcia Francisco19,Dvoretzky Israel20,Liu Joceline S.21,Han Justin21,Murphy Philip M.6,McDermott David H.6,Buck Christopher B.1ORCID


1. Laboratory of Cellular Oncology, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland, USA

2. Novara Medical School, Novara, Italy

3. University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy

4. NCI Genome Analysis Unit, NCI, Bethesda, Maryland, USA

5. Cancer Genetics Branch, NCI, Bethesda, Maryland, USA

6. Molecular Signaling Section, Laboratory of Molecular Immunology, NIAID, Bethesda, Maryland, USA

7. National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, Bethesda, Maryland, USA

8. HIV and AIDS Malignancy Branch, NCI, Bethesda, Maryland, USA

9. Host Virus Interaction Branch, NCI, Bethesda, Maryland, USA

10. Laboratory of Immunoregulation, NIAID, Bethesda, Maryland, USA

11. Department of Urology, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA

12. Department of Pathology, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA

13. Stark Neurosciences Research Institute, Indiana University, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

14. DNA Tumor Virus Section, NIAID, Bethesda, Maryland, USA

15. School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences, Department of Immunobiology, Cancer Biology Graduate Interdisciplinary Program, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA

16. School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences, Department of Immunobiology, Genetics Graduate Interdisciplinary Program, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA

17. Bio5 Institute, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA

18. University of Arizona Cancer Center, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA

19. Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA

20. Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA

21. Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois, USA


Although some members of the viral family Papillomaviridae cause benign skin warts (papillomas), many human papillomavirus (HPV) infections are not associated with visible symptoms. For example, most healthy adults chronically shed Gammapapillomavirus ( Gamma ) virions from apparently healthy skin surfaces. To further explore the diversity of papillomaviruses, we performed viromic surveys on immunodeficient individuals suffering from florid skin warts. Our results nearly double the number of known Gamma HPV types and suggest that WHIM syndrome patients are uniquely susceptible to Gamma HPV-associated skin warts. Preliminary results suggest that treatment with the drug plerixafor may promote resolution of the unusual Gamma HPV skin warts observed in WHIM patients.


Intramural Research Programs of the National Institutes of Health

State of Arizona Improving Health TRIF

American Cancer Society

Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro


American Society for Microbiology


Molecular Biology,Microbiology

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