Murine Gammaherpesvirus 68 ORF48 Is an RTA-Responsive Gene Product and Functions in both Viral Lytic Replication and Latency duringIn VivoInfection


Qi Jing,Han Chuanhui,Gong Danyang,Liu Ping,Zhou Sheng,Deng Hongyu


ABSTRACTReplication and transcription activator (RTA) of gammaherpesvirus is an immediate early gene product and regulates the expression of many downstream viral lytic genes. ORF48 is also conserved among gammaherpesviruses; however, its expression regulation and function remained largely unknown. In this study, we characterized the transcription unit ofORF48from murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV-68) and analyzed its transcriptional regulation. We showed that RTA activates theORF48promoter via an RTA-responsive element (48pRRE). RTA binds to 48pRRE directlyin vitroand also associates with ORF48 promoterin vivo. Mutagenesis of 48pRRE in the context of the viral genome demonstrated that the expression of ORF48 is activated by RTA through 48pRRE duringde novoinfection. Through site-specific mutagenesis, we generated an ORF48-null virus and examined the function of ORF48in vitroandin vivo. The ORF48-null mutation remarkably reduced the viral replication efficiency in cell culture. Moreover, through intranasal or intraperitoneal infection of laboratory mice, we showed that ORF48 is important for viral lytic replication in the lung and establishment of latency in the spleen, as well as viral reactivation from latency. Collectively, our study identifiedORF48as an RTA-responsive gene and showed that ORF48 is important for MHV-68 replication bothin vitroandin vivo.IMPORTANCEThe replication and transcription activator (RTA), conserved among gammaherpesviruses, serves as a molecular switch for the virus life cycle. It works as a transcriptional regulator to activate the expression of many viral lytic genes. However, only a limited number of such downstream genes have been uncovered for MHV-68. In this study, we identifiedORF48as an RTA-responsive gene of MHV-68 and mapped theciselement involved. By constructing a mutant virus that is deficient in ORF48 expression and through infection of laboratory mice, we showed that ORF48 plays important roles in different stages of viral infectionin vivo. Our study provides insights into the transcriptional regulation and protein function of MHV-68, a desired model for studying gammaherpesviruses.


American Society for Microbiology


Virology,Insect Science,Immunology,Microbiology







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