1. Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Eosinophils are a highly abundant cell type in the gastrointestinal tract during homeostatic conditions, where they have recently been reported to take on an activated phenotype following colonization by the bacterial microbiota. To date, there have been few studies investigating whether eosinophils respond to infection with enteric bacterial pathogens and/or investigating the requirements for eosinophils for effective bacterial pathogen control. In this study, we investigated the response of eosinophils to an acute enteric infection of mice with the bacterial pathogen
Salmonella enterica
serovar Typhimurium. We also assessed whether eosinophil deficiency impacted
burdens in the intestinal tract or impacted the systemic dissemination of
following an oral infection of littermate wild-type BALB/cJ and eosinophil-deficient ΔdblGATA BALB/cJ mice. We found comparable
burdens in the intestinal tract of wild-type and eosinophil-deficient mice and no significant differences in the levels of
disseminating to systemic organs within 3 days of infection. Despite our evidence suggesting that eosinophils are not an essential cell type for controlling bacterial burdens in this acute infection setting, we found higher levels of eosinophils in gut-draining lymph nodes following infection, indicating that eosinophils do respond to
infection. Our data contribute to the growing evidence that eosinophils are responsive to bacterial stimuli, yet the influence of and requirements for eosinophils during bacterial infection appear to be highly context-dependent.
Canadian Government | Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research
American Society for Microbiology