Effect of fusidic acid on the immune response in mice


Bellahsène A,Forsgren A


The effect of fusidic acid on the immune response in mice was studied. At the nontoxic dose of 500 mg/kg per day, the cell-mediated immunity was strongly inhibited. A marked and significant prolonged survival of split-heart allografts in treated animals was detected. The survival time of allografts in mice receiving fusidic acid from the day of the transplantation until the grafts were rejected was 26.1 days compared with 14.5 days in untreated animals. In mice treated also before the transplantation, the mean survival of the allografts were even longer. The phytohemagglutinin response, as well as the mixed lymphocyte culture stimulation of spleen lymphocytes from mice given 500 mg of fusidic acid per kg daily for 1 week, were significantly inhibited. At the same dose there was also a significantly decreased primary antibody response to sheep erythrocytes, but it was of limited biological significance. The immunosuppressive effect in animals treated with a human therapeutic dose of fusidic acid (25 mg/kg per day) was less pronounced but significant. The relevance of these results is discussed.


American Society for Microbiology


Infectious Diseases,Immunology,Microbiology,Parasitology

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