Legionella anisa , a Possible Indicator of Water Contamination by Legionella pneumophila


van der Mee-Marquet Nathalie1,Domelier Anne-Sophie1,Arnault Laurence1,Bloc Daniel1,Laudat Patrice2,Hartemann Philippe3,Quentin Roland1


1. Service de Bactériologie et Hygiène, CHRU Trousseau, 37044 Tours Cedex 9, France

2. Laboratoire d'Analyses Médicales Arnaud, 37000 Tours, France

3. Service d'Étude et de Recherche en Environment et Santé, Université Henri Poincaré Nancy I, 54505 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France


ABSTRACT Legionella anisa is one of the most frequent species of Legionella other than Legionella pneumophila in the environment and may be hospital acquired in rare cases. We found that L. anisa may mask water contamination by L. pneumophila , suggesting that there is a risk of L. pneumophila infection in immunocompromised patients if water is found to be contaminated with Legionella species other than L. pneumophila .


American Society for Microbiology


Microbiology (medical)

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