The Genus Veillonella IV. Serological Groupings, and Genus and Species Emendations


Rogosa M.1


1. Laboratory of Microbiology, National Institute of Dental Research, Bethesda, Maryland


Rogosa , M. (National Institute of Dental Research, Bethesda, Md.). The genus Veillonella . IV. Serological groupings, and genus and species emendations. J. Bacteriol. 90: 704–709. 1965.—Seven serological groups of Veillonella were found. The generic and species descriptions are enlarged and corrected. The type species is Veillonella parvula (Veillon and Zuber) Prévot, 1933. The proposed species, subspecies (infraspecific serogroups), and American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) type strains are: Veillonella parvula subsp. parvula subsp. nov. (antigenic group VI), ATCC 10790; Veillonella parvula subsp. rodentium subsp. nov. (antigenic group II), ATCC 17743; Veillonella parvula subsp. atypica subsp. nov. (antigenic group V), ATCC 17744; Veillonella alcalescens subsp. alcalescens subsp. nov. (antigenic group IV), ATCC 17745; Veillonella alcalescens subsp. ratti subsp. nov. (antigenic group III), ATCC 17746; Veillonella alcalescens subsp. criceti subsp. nov. (antigenic group I), ATCC 17747; and Veillonella alcalescens subsp. dispar subsp. nov. (antigenic group VII), ATCC 17748. The following species listed in Bergey's Manual (7th ed.) are rejected as members of the genus: V. discoides, V. reniformis, V. orbiculus , and V. vulvovaginitidis .


American Society for Microbiology


Molecular Biology,Microbiology

Reference20 articles.

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