Illness associated with Campylobacter laridis, a newly recognized Campylobacter species


Tauxe R V,Patton C M,Edmonds P,Barrett T J,Brenner D J,Blake P A


Campylobacter laridis, a recently described thermophilic Campylobacter species found principally in seagulls, has not previously been linked to illness in humans. Six clinical isolates of this species were referred to the national campylobacter reference laboratory in 1982 and 1983. Each isolate was confirmed by biochemical characterization and by DNA relatedness studies. The six isolates were obtained during an illness: enteritis in four, severe crampy abdominal pain in one, and terminal bacteremia in an immunocompromised host in one. The infections occurred in persons 8 months to 71 years old. Neither the geographic distribution nor the reports of the patients suggest that seagulls played a direct role in the epidemiology of these infections. This potential human enteric pathogen appears to be clinically, epidemiologically, and microbiologically similar to Campylobacter jejuni and may be mistaken for it if nalidixic acid susceptibility screening is not routinely performed.


American Society for Microbiology


Microbiology (medical)

Reference16 articles.

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5. Fricker C. R. 1983. The role of Larus gulls in the epidemiology of campylobacters in Scotland p. 164-165. In A. D. Pearson M. B. Skivrow B. Rowe J. R. Davies and D. M. Jones (ed.) Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Campylobacter Infections. Public Health Laboratory Service London.

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