Bacteriophage Tail Components IV. Pteroyl Polyglutamate Synthesis in T4D-Infected Escherichia coli B


Kozloff Lloyd M.1,Lute Murl1


1. Department of Microbiology, University of Colorado Medical Center, Denver, Colorado 80220


The nature of pteroyl polyglutamates in uninfected and T4D bacteriophage-infected Escherichia coli B has been examined. 3 H- p -aminobenzoic acid has been used to label the folate compounds and gel permeation chromatography on glass beads to separate the folate compound by molecular size. It has been found that, although the major folate compound in uninfected bacteria is pteroyl triglutamate, E. coli B cells also contain folate compounds having as many as six glutamate residues. Infection with T4D stimulated the addition of glutamate residues to the lower-molecular-weight host pteroyl compounds, resulting in the conversion of the host compounds into the hexaglutamate form. This viral-induced conversion is chloramphenicol sensitive and appears to be due to a late phage gene product. The phage gene responsible for this conversion has not been identified. In cells infected with a T4D mutant defective in gene 28, there was an apparent production of the large pteroyl polyglutamates equivalent in size to pte ( glu ) 9-12 . These high-molecular-weight forms were converted into pte ( glu ) 6 by incubation with bacterial extracts made after infection with T4D 28 + . Apparently, the product of T4D gene 28 + is capable of specifically cleaving the high-molecular-weight polyglutamates to the form necessary for phage tail assembly.


American Society for Microbiology


Virology,Insect Science,Immunology,Microbiology

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