1. Maria Curie-Skłodowska University
Hélène Gaudy’s story, Un monde sans rivage, was based on the authentic events of 1897. It is about the Swedish Andree’s balloon expedition to the North Pole, which ended in a catastrophe. The travelers’ remains were accidentally decanted in 1930 along with other items, including photos. Gaudy, taking historical facts as a starting point, translating visual into discursive ones, writes a story of an intriguing,
heterogeneous form, which is the subject of analysis. The analytical key becomes the adjective “strange”, used by Andrée himself, which thus describes this journey. The presented analysis, with the help of the concept of strangeness, attempts to understand the essence of Andrée’s expedition in terms of human experience of the world and otherness, of crossing the limits of the possible.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski - Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego
Reference10 articles.
1. 1. Battail Jean-François, 2016, « L'Appel du Grand Nord. Entre fascination exotique et curiosité scientifique », Études Germaniques, n° 2(282), 235-249. DOI : 10.3917/eger.282.0235. URL :
2. 2. Benetti Pierre, 2019, L'effacement de l'effacement, (in :) En attendant Nadeau. Journal de la littérature, des idées et de l'art, du 7 octobre 2019. URL: https://
3. 3. Besançon Georges, 1901, « L'Épilogue de l'épopée d'Andrée », (in :) L'Aérophile. Revue mensuelle illustrée de l'aéronautique et des sciences qui s'y rattachent, 9 Année - 1901.
4. 4. Blanchot Maurice, 1983, La Communauté inavouable, Paris : Éditions de Minuit.
5. 5. Gaudy Hélène, 2019, Un monde sans rivages, Paris : Actes Sud.