


Povzetek V prispevku ugotavljamo, da kljub prepoznavanju prednosti žensk pri izvajanju posebnih nalog specialnih sil še vedno ostaja precej vprašanj glede oblikovanja mešanih sestavov. Največje vprašanje predstavlja ohranjanje strogih fizičnih izbirnih meril za oba spola, ki po eni strani pomembno prispevajo k vzdrževanju kohezivnosti enote in njene elitnosti v oboroženih silah ter družbi, po drugi strani pa zmanjšujejo njeno dostopnost fizično šibkejšemu spolu. Premiki k vključevanju žensk v specialne sile so se v nekaterih državah že zgodili, v nobeni izmed teh držav pa s temi pristopi ne želijo oslabiti poslanstva in statusa specialnih sil. Prav to smo na podlagi izvedenih intervjujev ugotovili tudi na primeru Enote za specialno delovanje Slovenske vojske. Ključne besede specialne sile, ženske v specialnih silah, izbirni postopek. Abstract The article notes that although the advantage of gender integration in the conduct of special assignments has been identified, there remains a considerable dilemma with regard to the formation of mixed-gender structures. The primary concern is to maintain strict physical selection criteria for both genders. These, on the one hand, make an important contribution to maintaining the cohesiveness of the unit and enabling members of the Special Forces to preserve their status of elite forces within the armed forces and the society, and, on the other hand, reduce their accessibility for a physically weaker gender. Some states have already accomplished partial shifts in the integration of women into Special Forces. Yet, through such measures, none of these states intend, by no means, to weaken the mission and status of Special Forces. Based on the conducted interviews, the above-stated findings were established in the case of the Special Operations Forces of the Slovenian Armed Forces. Key words Special Forces, women in Special Forces, selection process.


Ministry Of Defence - Slovenian Armed Forces


Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine

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