1. Thin‐film infrared absorber structures for advanced thermal detectors
2. A 1.5k x 1.5k class photon counting HgCdTe linear avalanche photo-diode array for low background space astronomy in the 1 – 5 micron infrared. Michael Bottom University Of Hawaii Systems. Nasa Grant: NNX17AC19G
3. Characterization of a Pyroelectric Detector for a Space borne Fourier-Transform Spectrometer. Alexander Hacker
4. Hotsat/Darkstar courtesy of Surrey Satellite. Surrey Satellite Technology Limited, Tycho House, 20 Stephenson Road, Surrey Research Park, Guildford, GU2 7YE
5. Hotsat images courtesy of SatalliteVu, Sustainable Workspace, 5th Floor, County Hall, Belvedere Road, London. SE1 7PB