1. British Medical Association, Report on Surrogacy, 1990, The British Medical Association, Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9JP
2. The Report of the Review Current Arrangements for Payments and Regulation in Surrogacy, http://www.open.gov.uk/doh/surrog.htm
3. Justice Latey “Re: Adoption Application AA212/86 (Adoption Payment) [1987] 2 FLR 291” when ruling on whether payments in an adoption of a surrogate child were permitted. In that ruling he held that approval for payments could be retrospective.
4. The Practice of Surrogacy,1996
5. In The Mirror (Tuesday, 13 May 1997) Justin Dunn described the case where there had been a breakdown in trust between the two couples. A pregnancy had been established after ‘DIY’ artificial insemination. The surrogate fell out with the commissioning couple and claimed to have had a termination because of the ‘unreasonable behaviour’ of the commissioning couple who claimed the host was ‘demanding more and more money’. In the event the surrogate had not had a termination and announced a few days later that she would keep the child herself.