Karakteristik dan Analisis Korelasi Karakter Fisiologis Tanaman Jagung Hibrida (Zea mays L.) pada Tanah Bertekstur Liat Diperkaya Pupuk Slowrelease Berbasis Biochar


Mila Astiani ,Sukmawati Sukmawati,Rahim Iradhatullah,Yamin Mayasari,Suherman Suherman


Peningkatan produktivitas jagung sangat dipengaruhi oleh karakter fisiologi seperti klorofil dan stomata daun.  Hal ini sangat berkaitan dengan proses fotosintesis yang dipengaruhi oleh kandungan nitrogen dan air dalam tanah. Penelitin ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan pupuk slowrelase dari biochar tongkol jagung berbasis NPK terhadap karakter dan kolerasi  fisiologi tanaman jagung. Metode penelitian merupakan percobaan lapangan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok untuk menguji empat jenis perlakuan, yakni Pupuk kimia  (P0), pupuk slowrelase berbasis NPK (P1), pupuk slowrelase diperkaya urin sapi (P2) dan pupuk slowrelase diperkaya urin sapi dan bakteri (azotobacter dan basillus)(P3). Parameter yang diamati terhadap karakter fisiologi tanaman jagung, yakni Chlorofil content Indeks (CCI), kehijauan daun, jumlah stomata dan ukuran stomata serta korelasi antar karakteri fisiologi.  Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa pemberian pupuk slowrelase diperkaya urin sapi dan bakteri memberikan hasil terbaik pada CCI dan kehijauan daun yakni 44,64 dan 3,77 berbeda nyata hingga sangat nyata dengan pemberian pupuk kimia (16,27; 2,77). Untuk tindak adaptasi pemberian pupuk slowrelease diperkaya urin sapi dan bakteri mengurangi jumlah ukuran stomata dengan hasil yang lebih kecil (78,33) berbeda nyata dengan pemberian pupuk slowrelease pengkayaan bakteri (P0,P1 dan P2). Terdapat korelasi yang nyata antara CCI dan jumlah stomata terhadap kehijauan daun. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka penggunaan pupuk slowrelase yang diperkaya urin sapi dan bakteri menjadi strategi adaptif usaha tani jagung menghadapi perubahan iklim. Increasing corn productivity is strongly influenced by physiological characters such as chlorophyll and leaf stomata. This is closely related to the photosynthesis process which is influenced by the nitrogen and water content in the soil. This research aims to use slow-relase fertilizer from NPK-based corn cob biochar on the characteristics and physiological correlation of corn plants. The research method was a field experiment using a Randomized Block Design to test four types of treatment, namely chemical fertilizer (P0), NPK-based slowrelase fertilizer (P1), slowrelase fertilizer enriched with cow urine (P2) and slowrelase fertilizer enriched with cow urine and bacteria (azotobacter and bacillus )(P3). Observation parameters on the physiological characteristics of corn plants, namely Chlorophyll content Index (CCI), leaf greenness, number of stomata and stomata size as well as correlation between physiological characteristics. The results of the research found that the application of slowrelase fertilizer enriched with cow urine and bacteria gave the best results in CCI and leaf greenness, namely 44.64 and 3.77, significantly to very significantly different from the application of chemical fertilizer (16.27; 2.77). For adaptation, giving slow-release fertilizer enriched with cow urine and bacteria reduced the number of stomata sizes with smaller results (78.33), significantly different from giving slow-release fertilizer enriched with bacteria (PO, P1 and P2). There is a real correlation between CCI and the number of stomata on leaf greenness. Based on this, the use of slowrelase fertilizer enriched with cow urine and bacteria is an adaptive strategy for corn farming to face climate change.


Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo








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