Context-Aware Device Classification and Clustering for Smarter and Secure Connectivity in Internet of Things


More Priyanka,Sachin Sakhare


With the increasing prevalence of the Internet of Things (IoT), there is a growing need for effective access control methods to secure IoT systems and data. Traditional access control models often prove inadequate when dealing with the specific challenges presented by IoT, characterized by a variety of heterogeneous devices, ever-changing network structures, and diverse contextual elements. Managing IoT devices effectively is a complex task in maintaining network security.This study introduces a context-driven approach for IoT Device Classification and Clustering, aiming to address the unique characteristics of IoT systems and the limitations of existing access control methods. The proposed context-based model utilizes contextual information such as device attributes, location, time, and communication patterns to dynamically establish clusters and cluster leaders. By incorporating contextual factors, the model provides a more accurate and adaptable clustering mechanism that aligns with the dynamic nature of IoT systems. Consequently, network administrators can configure dynamic access policies for these clusters.


European Alliance for Innovation n.o.


Computer Networks and Communications,Computer Science Applications,Information Systems,Control and Systems Engineering

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