
N.F. Sadiyeva, Y.P. Cherepnova, S.A. Iskenderova N.F. Sadiyeva, Y.P. Cherepnova, S.A. Iskenderova,L.M. Afandiyeva, E.M. Guliyeva L.M. Afandiyeva, E.M. Guliyeva


The article presents a one-stage method for the synthesis of effective plasticizers and antioxidants with a heterogeneous catalyst under mild conditions with a high yield. In order to obtain plasticizers and antioxidants, a number of studies were carried out to determine the optimal temperature, amount of catalyst and molar ratio of reacting components based on natural petroleum and aliphatic fatty acids (C6-C8) using a heterogeneous catalyst. Based on the studies carried out under optimal conditions (temperature -110-120°C, the amount of catalyst – 1,5 wt.%, acid, the molar ratio of components - acid: alcohol - 2:1,4), mixed diesters were synthesized with a yield of 88-90%. To confirm the structures of the synthesized diesters on the "Alpha" IR Fourier spectrometer, the corresponding IR-spectra were obtained, where the absorption bands characteristic of the carbonyl and ester functional groups appear with greater intensity. The good compatibility of the synthesized plasticizers with the polymer matrix and the effect of these compounds on the reduction of sludge in diesel fuel are shown. Keywords: 1,4-butanediol, natural petroleum acids, mixed diesters, diesel fuel, polyvinyl chloride, plasticizer, antioxidant.


Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

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