
Zolotarev Michail,Naganovsky Yuri,Ushkov Valentin


In the modern construction industry for increasing the thermal resistance of structures and reducing heat losses, casting foams based on reactive oligomers with high performance characteristics are widely used. At the same time, special attention is paid to the use of polyisocyanurate foams (PIR). However, in the scientific and technical literature there are practically no data on the influence of the composition of polyisocyanurate foams on their thermal properties. The purpose of this work is to determine the influence of isocyanate/polyol ratio, modifier content (trichloropropyl phosphate) and apparent density of foams on thermal properties of casting PIRs. The thermal properties of PIRs, when heated in the temperature range of 30-800 ⁰C in nitrogen atmosphere and in air, were investigated using a multimodal thermal analytical complex DuPont-9900 (heating rate 20°C/min). It is revealed that thermo-oxidative decomposition of polyisocyanurate foams is a pronounced, two-stage process, and the destruction of PIR in inert medium (nitrogen) is a one-stage process, which indicates different mechanisms of decomposition of foams in air and nitrogen. As a result of experimental studies, it was revealed that the investigated PIRs are more resistant to thermo-oxidative degradation than to thermal degradation. The thermal properties of the above foams depend on the isocyanate/polyol ratio and TCPP content. The density of polyisocyanurate foams insignificantly affects their thermal stability. At the optimal content of initial components PIRs have higher thermal resistance compared to rigid polyurethane foams (FPU).


Engineering and Technology of Silicates

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