1. Department of Physics, University of Fribourg , CH-1700 Fribourg, Switzerland
The superadiabatic dynamical density functional theory (superadiabatic-DDFT) is a promising new method for the study of colloidal systems out-of-equilibrium. Within this approach, the viscous forces arising from interparticle interactions are accounted for in a natural way by explicitly treating the dynamics of the two-body correlations. For bulk systems subject to spatially homogeneous shear, we use the superadiabatic-DDFT framework to calculate the steady-state pair distribution function and the corresponding viscosity for low values of the shear-rate. We then consider a variant of the central approximation underlying this superadiabatic theory and obtain an inhomogeneous generalization of a rheological bulk theory due to Russel and Gast. This paper thus establishes for the first time a connection between DDFT approaches, formulated to treat inhomogeneous systems, and existing work addressing nonequilibrium microstructure and rheology in bulk colloidal suspensions.