1. W. Lotz, An empirical formula for the electron-impact ionization cross-section, ZeitschriftfürPhysik, A Hadrons and Nuclei. 206(2): 205–211, 1967.
2. Electron-impact ionization cross-sections for atoms up to Z=108
3. G. Williams, Electron Binding Energies. http://www.jlab.org/∼gwyn/ebindene.html. Accessed on May, 2019.
4. Recommended atomic electron binding energies, 1s to 6p3/2, for the heavy elements, Z=84 to 103
5. L. Xavier, et al., Cross sections for inner-shell ionization by electron impact, J. of Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 43, No,1 pp. 1–105 (with 284 refers.), 2014.