A quasi-local, functional analytic detection method for stationary limit surfaces of black hole spacetimes


Röken Christian12ORCID


1. Lichtenberg Group for History and Philosophy of Physics - Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bonn 1 , 53113 Bonn, Germany

2. Department of Geometry and Topology - Faculty of Science, University of Granada 2 , 18071 Granada, Spain


We present a quasi-local, functional analytic method to locate and invariantly characterize the stationary limit surfaces of black hole spacetimes with stationary regions. The method is based on ellipticity-hyperbolicity transitions of the Dirac, Klein–Gordon, Maxwell, and Fierz–Pauli Hamiltonians defined on spacelike hypersurfaces of such black hole spacetimes, which occur only at the locations of stationary limit surfaces and can be ascertained from the behaviors of the principal symbols of the Hamiltonians. Therefore, since it relates solely to the effects that stationary limit surfaces have on the time evolutions of the corresponding elementary fermions and bosons, this method is profoundly different from the usual detection procedures that employ either scalar polynomial curvature invariants or Cartan invariants, which, in contrast, make use of the local geometries of the underlying black hole spacetimes. As an application, we determine the locations of the stationary limit surfaces of the Kerr–Newman, Schwarzschild–de Sitter, and Taub–NUT black hole spacetimes. Finally, we show that for black hole spacetimes with static regions, our functional analytic method serves as a quasi-local event horizon detector and gives rise to a relational concept of black hole entropy.


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital, Gobierno de España


AIP Publishing








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